The Pros and Cons of Buying Vintage Diamonds

Though there’s nothing quite like a brand new shiny diamond, there’s something about a vintage engagement ring that can be special. Before you spend your money on a vintage ring, however, it’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons and decide if it’s the right move for you.

Pro—The Look

The setting of the vintage engagement ring may be the biggest reason why people love them. Vintage rings exude the artistic sensibilities of the time they were crafted, making for setting that are 100% unique. Most sincerely, vintage rings were hand-crafted, so they come with all the imperfections and intricacies that give them character and personality. If your partner wants a unique ring, go vintage!


Buying vintage creates no waste, whereas newer diamonds require mining, shipping, and processing, which generate waste and can be harmful to surrounding environments. All the work that went into creating the vintage ring already happened, so it’s eco-friendly. (And don’t worry, if you’re not sold on vintage but still want a sustainable ring, you have lots of options.)


Unless you’re trying to buy something like Elizabeth Taylor’s brilliant emerald-cut diamond, a vintage ring will likely be a cheaper than a brand new one. Almost all products lose value as they are used or age unless they have some historical or cultural significance, and diamonds are no different.


Most vintage resellers will have no way to authenticate whether or not your ring is a blood diamond, so you have no idea if the sale of your diamond was used to finance civil wars or humanitarian atrocities. But if you can get a date on your diamond and confirm that its mining predates 1970, it’s probably safe to say that it’s conflict-free as most of those issues occurred in the late 20th century. Many people who buy vintage diamonds and can’t confirm whether or not it’s conflict-free take the approach that the damage is already done and as long as their diamond’s sale doesn’t contribute to current issues, it’s okay.


If you’re looking to get the brightest, sparkliest diamond you can, vintage is not the best move. Modern diamonds are much more vivid and whiter while vintage one typically has warmer yellow tones, as that was more popular through many eras.


Diamonds may be the hardest gem around, but that doesn’t make them immune to aging. Vintage rings will not sparkle and shine the way a brand new one will, and the edges will not be as sharp and perfectly cut.


If you choose a vintage ring, you won’t be able to make the alterations to the style or size the way you can with a new ring. Depending on the type of ring, you may be able to adjust a little bit, but it won’t be a custom fit like you have with new rings.


You also won’t have the flexibility regarding style. You may find a ring that has the diamond cut you love but not quite the band style. If you purchase a new ring, it’s a lot easier to find exactly what you want.

Con—More Maintenance

Vintage rings will almost certainly require more upkeep to look like they’re in their prime. If you get a vintage ring, make sure to research what methods will work best to clean it. Machines won’t work well with specific rings like those with loose stones or worn out settings. Hand-cleaning will often be required to keep your vintage ring looking in tip-top shape.

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