April Birthstone – Diamond

If you were born in April, that means your birthstone is one of the most sought after gems in the world—the diamond. At TwoBirch, we’re a bit biased towards diamonds.  Perhaps they are not only one of the most beautiful and enduring jewels you can buy, but they also have so much more to offer.  They have their sparkles like their rich symbolism and historical significance.  So, if April Birthstone – Diamond is your birthstone, LUCKY YOU!

April Birthstone - Diamond

Diamonds have been revered as one of the most popular gems for thousands of years. They were traded along the Silk Roads.  Also, they have been used as talismans that ward off evil.  Also, they were used as healing agents during the Dark Ages. No matter the era, the diamond’s natural sparkle and strength has never been lost on humans.  Those humans over thousands of years have turned the gem into a recognizable symbol of love, luxury, and longevity.

Diamonds are known as the hardest naturally occurring substance on Earth.  Considering they are formed from carbon, a common element, they remain elusive and rare. The gems form when the carbon undergoes high pressures and temperatures within the Earth’s crust. To create the structure of a diamond, electrons are shared amongst its carbon atoms to create solid chemical bonds.  They form “an extremely rigid tetrahedral crystal,” according to The Conversation.

The April Birthstone – Diamond Creation Story

Considering the diamond’s creation story, it’s not surprising that they would come to function as a symbol of eternal and unconditional devotion. Diamonds are forged in the intense fire of the Earth’s lithosphere.  Also, they signify the human ability to love their betrothed no matter what adversity their relationship may face. De Beers, the leading brand in the global diamond industry, uses the slogan “A Diamond Is Forever.”  They are capitalizing on the gem’s symbolization of infinity.

Diamonds have also historically represented strength and invincibility.  Ancient cultures adorned their soldiers with diamonds before they headed into battle.  The belief was that it made them stronger and more courageous. Their symbolization for strength and love makes them the classic choice for engagement and wedding rings.  They are meant to represent the strength, resilience, and devotion within a relationship.

If your birthday is in April, your birthstone is the strongest naturally occurring substance in the world.  Also, diamonds are one of the most sought-after jewels out there. You may be an Aries or a Taurus, but either way, you don’t crack under intense pressure—you grow stronger! TwoBirch diamonds may be the best way to commemorate the anniversary of your life.  It also reminds you how powerful you are in the face of adversity.



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